Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Night Club City - Coin Cheat

  1. Go into Nightclub city
  2. Go to Decorate.
  3. Purchase 4 of the most expensive item you can afford. Make sure you can afford 4 of those!
  4. Open Cheat Engine (CE)
  5. Select browser in process list. Settings: 4bytes
  6. With all the 4 items in your inventory, scan 4 in CE.
  7. Drag 1 out into your club. NEXT scan 3.
  8. Drag 1 out into your club. NEXT scan 2.
  9. Drag 1 out into your club. NEXT scan 1.
  10. You should only have 1 address remaining. Double click the address.
  11. Change the value to 999
  12. Now drag 1 item out into your club. You shd see 99. (it's actually 998)
  13. Now drag 1 more item to sell it.
  14. In CE, enable Speedhack and change the value to '0'
  15. Now click OK in the game and you should see the coins increasing.
  16. Use a mouse recorder to help you click. Once done, change the value of the Speedhack to "1"
  17. And save the game. Reload. Coins remain. Have fun.

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